Friday, February 24, 2012

Islamic Ideology And Business Ethics | NY Essay


BUSINESS ETHICS :: Utilitarianism
? ? ? ? ? ? Introduction Jeremy Bentham Theory of Utility Types of Utilitarianism Some Criticisms Moral Dilemma

Introduction Over the course of the next two lectures we will be looking at two of the most politically and philosophically significant theories of modern times (1500present), the consequentialist theory of Utilitarianism and the deontological theory devised by Immanuel Kant (often referred to as Kantianism). Today?s session will focus on utilitarianism and the next (on Tuesday, 4th October) will look at deontology. Utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory. It is the most well-known and prevalent forms of consequentialism. Consequentialism is an umbrella term for a range of moral theories that state the rightness or wrongness of an action should be based solely on the results produced by that action. There have been many different forms of theory of a consequentialist nature throughout history. When modern utilitarianism?s

most influential exponent, Jeremy Bentham, set out his moral theory in 1789, it was not an unfamiliar concept. Jeremy Bentham Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) was born in the 18th Century in London, into a family of prominent attorneys. At that time, England was experiencing a great deal of economic, political and social change. Many of the ideas/practices that had been considered the norm were no longer relevant. Although Bentham studied law, following the family tradition, he never practiced preferring instead to study legal, social and moral institutions and write papers with proposals for reform. He published relatively few of the numerous manuscripts he wrote during his lifetime. His most important theoretical work was Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, which set out most of his moral theory. Bentham regularly attacked the main political parties in government but it was through his contacts in political life that many of his ideas for reform became a reality (e.g. the?


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