Before our daughter was born, my husband and I used to go to the movies at least once a month. Giant popcorn (with extra butter), giant soda, gummy worms. In the two years since she?s been born, we?ve visited our local theater exactly zero times. That?s right, not once. Yeah, these days we?re a ?wait till the DVD? kind of family, and we?re perfectly content with our new stay-at-home status.
One of the movies that I really wanted to see in theaters earlier this year is Men in Black 3 starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Of course, we didn?t see it in the theater, which is why I?m looking forward to its DVD release on November 30. But here?s the exciting part: I found a way to get the movie a full two weeks before the DVD release date by pre-ordering the DVD at Walmart and streaming the movie via Walmart?s digital movie service at
If you?re new to the whole digital streaming process, don?t worry ? it?s super easy! I?ll write more in a future entry about how to stream movies to your computer or your TV when we have our MIB3 watching party, but the process of pre-ordering the DVD and signing up for the Vudu service is pretty easy, too.You?ll find the pre-order copy of Men in Black 3 among the other new releases in the Electronics or Entertainment section at Walmart. It?s available in both DVD and Blu-ray and if you have any trouble at all finding it, just ask a Walmart representative (like I did) and they?ll point you in the right direction.
Once you get the movie home, you?ll follow the simple instructions inside the pre-order box to activate your digital version and get your hard copy of MIB3. Vudu allows you to watch the movie two weeks before its release, starting November 16 via your iPad, PC, xBox360, Playstation 3 or through your Blue-ray player.?And by the way, Vudu is also compliant with Ultraviolet (UV), a service which stores your digital movies ?in the cloud? so you can access them anywhere at any time. Here?s a little overview of how Vudu works.To get started, simply follow the 3 easy steps found in your pre-order box! You?ll enter to code to get your free hard copy of the DVD, register as a Vudu user if you?re not already registered (registration is free and new members get a free movie credit!), and watch the exclusive content Keeping it Surreal: The Visual FX of MIB3 if you like. This is where you?ll go to watch the digital version as well.
The registration process for is quick and painless.
After you register, just sit back and relax until November 16 to watch the digital version of the movie! Of course, your pre-order of MIB3 also includes the hard copy DVD, which will be mailed to your home on or around the November 30 release date. That?s right, you get the digital version of the movie two weeks before the DVD release date and a DVD copy, all for less than $20. That?s a pretty good deal if you ask me!
For more information, check out Men in Black on Facebook or Twitter, or visit the MIB3 section of Or follow #seemib3 on Twitter. Also feel free to check out my Google+ photo album which offers detailed pictures and captions about my Men in Black 3 pre-order and Vudu process.
I am a member of the Collective Bias? ?Social Fabric? Community. ?This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study forCollective Bias? and Sony #CBias #SocialFabric

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