Sunday, January 22, 2012

Video: 25 years later, mom cleared of son?s death

>>> it's every person parents worth nightmare. for one north carolina mother, the tragedy was made expo anybody nalley worse. for 25 years she was the only suspect in the case until recently. in a moment, that mother, elizabeth watkins , will join us in an exclusive interview. but first here's nbc 's michelle franzen .

>> reporter: for nearly 25 years elizabeth watkins lived under a cloud of suspicion, the prime suspect in the death of her own sun, nicholas. please say the 6-year-old's body was discovered by a neighbor this this wooded area in north carolina not far from the family's home nguyenston salem. the medical examiner's office conclude it was a homicide by strangulation. now investigators say a new look at the evidence shows the boy's marks on his neck were consistent with a dog attack , finally clearing watt kins's name, but thornts offered no apologies.

>> we did not apologize. our purpose was not to apologize. we have nothing to apologize for.

>> reporter: sheriff william shotman reopened the cold case seven years ago. police hat never made an arrest but considered watkins their only suspect. watkins told authorities she last saw her son leave to walk the pet collie and another dog. they were asked to reexamine the evidence using the latest photo graphic technology.

>> they decided that it was possible that dogs actually grabbed ahold of the boy's clothing so tight that he was strangled.

>> reporter: they concluded the boy's pet was in heat and attacked by other dogs, a case closed. but for watkins , there is little closure. last year she attended a memorial for nicholas, and for years her older son believed she was responsible for his death. her attorney says now thanks to investigators, she has a chance to reunite with him.

>> this sheriff's department did more than say i'm sorry. they went to him to show him all the evidence to explain his mother had no involvement with his brother's death.

>> reporter: for "today," michelle franzen , nbc news, new york.

>> elizabeth watkins and her attorney david freeman are with us this morning. good morning to both of you.

>> good morning.

>> good morning.

>> and, elizabeth , i know you were never formally charged, but as we mentioned you were the only suspect for so long hochl u are you feeling today now that you've been officially cleared. i imagine this moment is still bittersweet though.

>> it certainly is bittersweet, but i am very, very happy to finally be cleared of my son's death.

>> we mentioned the cause add real rift in your family. you recently reunited with your other son who for nearly 25 years thought you were involved in his younger brother 's death. tell us about that reunion.

>> it was the highlight of the day. we had not seen each other in almost 17 years. and all was forgotten in the past, and we're moving from this day forward for a new relationship. it was one of the best days of our lives .

>> and, elizabeth , i understand that you found out this week that you're a grandmother.

>> yes, i am. i have two grandsons, 11 and 4, and i'm very excited about meeting them. we're just so happy to have alex back in our family. it was mostly his side of the family, his biological father's side of the family that estranged from us. my family has been behind me 100% in their support. this is how i've been able to get through this. and my friends. but to have alex back with the family is -- i just can't tell you how happy we are about that.

>> you lost two sons that day.

>> yes, i did. we've never had any more christmases with our oldest son alex . no more birthdays for 25 years. and now i think a christmas won't go by and a birthday won't go by that we won't be together.

>> that is an unbelievable great outcome. david, i understand that over the years police have from time too time followed up on leads and theories, but did you know that the fbi had gotten involved and were coming close to a conclusion?

>> we had no idea. we found out last week, last tuesday when we received a phone call . coincidentally enough i was receiving a phone call from the sheriff's department when elizabeth and her husband were in my office, and i called them back and i said, have her come down in the following weekend. i've been talking to the fbi. we're going to show there's no involvement at all and she's to be exonerated of this horrible ee fence.

>> elizabeth , did you ever think you'd hear of those words, you're exonerated?

>> i've dreamed of it for many, many years because i've always known that was the truth. it just -- i was so happy. we're all so happy that i've been cleared. it makes our lives easier to live and we're just looking forward to moving on and having a wonderful relationship with alex , our oldest son and the two grandchildren.

>> and elizabeth , i know you want people to see this as a story of hopeful and what do you want people at home watching to walk away with?

>> i know there are other parents that are suspected of the murder of their child or the disappearance of their child. i would like to see the investigators look more into what the parents are saying. parents love their children more than anything else, and to have a parent have to go through any length of time of being suspected of wrongful doing in their child's death or disappearance is wrong. i think new things ought to beit in place to prevent this from happening to anyone else . i don't want to have to see anyone else go through 25 years of being a suspect and knowing you're not.

>> well, elizabeth watkins , we're so happy that you were able to reunite with your son alex . we are excited that you're going to be enjoying those grandkids. david freeman , thanks as well for joining us.

>> you're welcome.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> and we're back. but first this is "today" on nbc .


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