Monday, December 5, 2011

Creating a Strategy RTS for an RPG

Pretty lengthy I know, but I figured everyone here was educated, and educated people like reading long things (right?).

---An Intro---
I have RPed elsewhere, and have been a member on these forums for a while I think, but I haven't participated in anything. Anyway, I am NOT new to role playing, but the place I came from seems to have been a lot more different than this place, and the community is no doubt different.

Where I came from, every RP was fantasy based, or sci-fi-based, never normal and never straying from those two genres. Also, every RP took place in generally the same setting, had generally the same characters, and generally the same type of organizations, and the community was so small, that everyone was in every RP (generally). Sure, you might say that it was an awful place, but we all wanted freedom, we wanted to be able to do whatever we wanted. But we were a small insignificant community at the very bottom of the forum's index, and had to abide by the Mods rules. The Forum itself wasn't FOR RPing, but rather for Flash Games, except they let us RP in it as well. I often spruced it up, and broke the rules, but nevertheless my RP's always seemed very satisfying to the community there. Of course, maybe that's because my RP's were considered 'different' than others.

Anyway, I was working on an RP there, but then I was... 'put off' for a little while. Put off as in banned. But don't worry, I didn't do anything bad, and it was for something I did back in 08 or 09.

The RP is one that sets aside the traditional RP elements, and puts in new ones. Players were to RolePlay as Kings, Leaders, Emperors, whatever kind of leader figure they wanted and was in charge of leading their armies to victory in series of battles. However, the game wasn't purely about battles, it was about diplomacy, intimidation, strategy, tactics, and included lots of analyzing of the opponents moves and their army's make-up. But generally, the concept was to lead armies, demolish enemies, conquer towns, grow stronger, and eventually rule the world, or whatever you wanted to do.

Except I ran across some problems. How would these battles work? How would I choose the victor? How would I explain why the victor was indeed the victor? How do incorporate the use of tactics and strategy? Well, I brainstormed for a while and came up with a form of a 'system' that would determine who won the battle. It all revolved around what type of troops the player sent out into battle, who they were fighting, how long they were fighting, and things like that. The system also allowed battles to be 'stand-offs' and allowed for the use of negotiation.

Basically, there were three different types of troops. These troops were divided into two subgroups each, so that there were two types of footmen, two types of archers, and two types of cavalry. Each unit was good at one thing, but bad at two other things, so that way each unit was balanced and had to be used accordingly against the enemy. Each town under your control had access to 5 slots, and each slot could be assigned a specific unit type called 'Legions'. A Legion was just a very small army of that specific type of troop, so if you assigned one of your 5 slots as 'Swordsmen' then that city would contain a small Legion of Swordsmen. Now, each town had 5 slots, so that meant you could assign 5 different Legions to your towns, which in turn would make a full-sized army.

If someone wanted to engage in battle, the two armies would march to the outskirts of the town, and form camps at opposite ends of the battlefield. Camps were safe-havens, and could not be attacked, this was were garrisoned troops and the leader stayed at before and during the battle. Battles themselves would not begin until one side sent in one or more Legions to the battlefield. BEFORE a battle begins though, the leaders may discuss possible ways to avoid a battle, such as retreating, allying, or whatever they wanted to do; if they could not decide, then a stand-off would persist, and would not go away until one side attacked or retreated. Sometimes, battles may be won on intimidation.

When someone attacked though, a battle would begin. Basically, as the leader, you would determine what Legion(s) you want to deploy to the battlefield. The enemy in turn would then deploy his own Legion(s) to the battlefield. You would then retaliate by making units retreat back to your camp (if the enemy sent out a counter-force, although by retreating you would not be able to use these troops again in this battle), send in more units (such as your own counter-force), or by micromanaging the troops on the battlefield (ordering specific Legion(s) to attack specific enemies, as long as they were already on the battlefield to begin with). If you successfully micromanage a Legion to counter the enemy Legion, then you would eliminate the enemy's opposing Legion entirely. Because of this, it is important to have diverse armies, and to make sure you deploy the correct Legions at at the right time, and to make sure analyze the opposing armies very good. Made you' stay one step ahead' during a battle.


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