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Becky Naugle, director of the Kentucky Small Business Development Center (KSBDC),has ?announced that Patricia Krausman has been selected as the 2012 Sutton Landry State Star of the Kentucky Small Business Development Center (KSBDC).
?I am delighted to make this announcement, and to recognize Patricia Krausman for her extraordinary contributions to the work of the KSBDC and small business in Kentucky,? said Naugle.
Krausman is center director of the University of Kentucky Small Business Development Center (UK SBDC) in Elizabethtown. The KSBDC selected Krausman based on her outstanding performance, major contribution to the KSBDC program and her strong commitment to small business in the commonwealth.
Krausman has worked with the KSBDC for 19 years. In addition to serving as center director, she serves as the statewide program manager for the KSBDC Veterans Assistance Program. Krausman has helped develop and coordinate several statewide initiatives, including KSBDC programs for veterans, agricultural diversification and advanced professional development for the network. She has extensive experience supporting small businesses in central Kentucky.
Krausman is a four-time recipient of the Million Dollar Loan Club, National Runner-up in the Bank of America Client Success Competition, and recipient of the UK College of Business Judy Haywood Valuable Staffer Award.
Krausman received her State Star award on Sept. 11, 2012 in New Orleans, La. in conjunction with the Association of Small Business Development Center?s (ASBDC) 32nd Annual Conference. The ASBDC is a partnership uniting private enterprise, government, higher education and local nonprofit economic development organizations in support of small businesses.
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By Editor, on September 26th, 2012
September 26 has been designated as ?National Women?s Health & Fitness Day,? an annual health observance sponsored and organized by the Health Information Resource Center, dedicated to promoting women?s health and fitness.
The Health Information Resource Center (HIRC), a national clearinghouse for consumer health information professionals, states that this is the 11th annual National Women?s Health & Fitness Day, an event which is ?organized as a public/private good health partnership.? The event ?will offer fitness and health events for women at community locations that include hospitals, health clubs, park and recreation departments, health departments, schools, retirement communities, houses of worship, senior centers, and others,? its sponsor says.
?Our goal for this national event is to encourage women to take control of their health: to learn the facts they need to make smart health choices, and to make time for regular physical activity,? Patricia Henze, Executive Director of the Health Information Resource Centers, said in a news release issued by the organization.
Following is the news release issued by the Health Information Resource Center about the event:
NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release |
11th Annual National Women?s Health & Fitness Day
to be held September 26, 2012
On Wednesday, September 26, 2012, an estimated 100,000 women of all ages will participate in local health and fitness events at more than 1,000 community locations across the country as part of the 11th Annual National Women?s Health & Fitness Daysm. This event, the first of its kind, will always be held the last Wednesday in September as part of National Women?s Health & Fitness Week celebrations throughout the United States.
Organized as a public/private good health partnership by the Health Information Resource Center (HIRC), National Women?s Health & Fitness Day will offer fitness and health events for women at community locations that include hospitals, health clubs, park and recreation departments, health departments, schools, retirement communities, houses of worship, senior centers, and others.
Local women?s events held on Wednesday, September 26, 2012 will include fitness walks, exercise demonstrations, health fairs and health information workshops. Most local events will include an exercise or physical activity component, as well as educational information about women?s health and fitness.
?Our goal for this national event is to encourage women to take control of their health: to learn the facts they need to make smart health choices, and to make time for regular physical activity,? adds Patricia Henze, Executive Director of the Health Information Resource Centersm, organizer of the event. Henze adds, ?Women?s Health & Fitness Day is also designed to showcase the many women?s health resources available through the local organizations that will host events on Wednesday, September 26, 2012.?
Organizations interested in hosting a National Women?s Health & Fitness Day event must register by paying a $29.95 event registration fee (plus shipping). Registered organizations will receive a valuable Women?s Health & Fitness Day event manual and sample event incentive items ? T-shirt, balloons, posters, etc. The event manual is an easy-to-use guide with all of the information needed to host a successful event ? activity suggestions, posters, press releases, copyright-free women?s health reproducible masters for distribution, and more.
To help promote the 11th year?s event, the HIRC is sponsoring a Women?s Health & Fitness Day Theme Contest. Women ages 18 and older are encouraged to submit a short phrase or sentence that reinforces the importance of health and fitness for women. The contest deadline is Friday, July 27, 2012, and women may submit post cards or letters to: 2012 Women?s Health & Fitness Day Theme Contest, P.O. Box 883, Libertyville, IL 60048. Entries may also be sent by fax to 847-816-8662, or by e-mail: A cash prize will be awarded to the winner. More details on the contest can be found on the official Women?s Health & Fitness Day Web site:
The Health Information Resource Center (HIRC)sm, organizer of this event, is a national clearinghouse for consumer health information professionals. In addition to the Women?s Health & Fitness Day event, other HIRC programs include Family Health & Fitness Day USA, always held on the last Saturday in September; the annual National Health Information Awards, the nation?s largest awards programs for consumer health information and resources; and the Web Health Awards; the Consumer Health Publishers Association and the Online Health Association and the Web site for consumer health information professionals.
For more information on Women?s Health & Fitness Day, please contact Patricia Henze, program manager, at 1-800-828-8225, weekdays 8-6 Central time. E-mail:
More information about National Women?s Health & Fitness Day is available on the organizer?s website for the event:
This Event Announcement is provided as a public service by HelpingYouCare?.
For more information on a healthy diet, exercise and other lifestyle factors that promote wellness and prevent diseases, see the HelpingYouCare? resource pages on Wellness/ Healthy Living for Seniors & Caregivers, including:
Copyright ? 2012 Care-Help LLC, publisher of HelpingYouCare?. All rights reserved.
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Advertising on Facebook
Facebook sells a limited amount of advertising formats, but the self-serve dashboard is always available and it is very valuable as a free research and business planning tool.
i.e. A Toronto ice cream shop wants to know IF they were to invest in cases of Girl Guide cookies to create a special limited-time flavour that blends in real chunks of Girl Guide cookies, how many people in Toronto between the ages of 13-45 have already ?raised their hands? and identified themselves as fans of Girl Guides of Canada? By accessing Facebook?s free self-serve advertising panel the shop owner or anyone with a Facebook profile can predict the number of people they can reach, who are the most likely to be interested in your new product or service. This can allow you to estimate if it might be a worthwhile promotion for your business, and the research is 100% free!
As it turns out, the answer (at the time of this post), would be only 820 people, which means it would cost VERY little to reach 100% of your most likely interested prospects!
The self serve ad planner is valuable as a business planning tool, because you can tell exact numbers of people who are active on Facebook by geographic location, age, sex, and many variables of brand and community ?likes?. As you add or remove targeting variables, the total reach number dynamically changes to show you potential campaign reach! How awesome is that?!?
The cost of advertising on Facebook
Just about 10 years ago, as the ?search engine wars? were heating up and daily volume of Google searches were growing rapidly, Google opened up its self-serve advertising platform to anyone with a credit card. They based their pricing model on a ?bidding? system for the keywords consumers are using in their searches, so in theory the more competitive keywords would always allow the highest bidder to have the best position and draw the most volume and relevant clicks from consumers actively searching for that product, service or subject.
At the start, there were many more web pages indexed and daily keyword searches than there were individual advertisers, almost every keyword seemed cheap to draw audience back to your website or landing page (in comparison to now). Since then, millions of individual advertisers have started competing for those searching consumers, driving up the cost of competitive Google search engine advertising. Facebook has grown its audience and use so rapidly, they currently have a HUGE inventory of advertising impressions available unsold, so prices are currently low, especially if your competitors haven?t really started buying up the available inventory.
Facebook is priced in a similar fashion to Google; you can choose to buy CPM (cost per thousand impressions) or CPC (cost per click) advertising that shows only to your defined target group of people who are within your demographic and groups of population defined by interests and passions (pages they Like).
While $1000/month is a very healthy budget for a car dealership (a highly competitive category), many businesses won?t need to invest nearly that much to see value and positive ROI for their Facebook advertising campaigns. I recommend starting with a sustainable weekly budget, and working to slowly increase the budget and amount of positive ROI as you can rationalize it based on your experience.
Many small businesses can gain a lot of valuable insight (and a couple hundred new followers to their page) in a short time, with a small campaign of only $100. Just remember that every campaign you do is unique and every day is a test > you can manage and adjust the settings of your campaign including how high or low your CPC/CPM bids are, every day. Just remember to take note of what changes you are testing (for results), and to really know the impact of that adjustment, only test one campaign element at a time.
Advertising to drive people to your website, or to your Facebook page?
Although many people still want to focus on ?driving traffic to the website? where you can cram a lot more sales promotional messages down their throat, the best thing you can do for your page and community is keep them on Facebook. Drive them to your Facebook brand page, and welcome them when they arrive. If they really like your page personality, tone and engagement (not just Like your page), they?ll be that much more ready to buy.
Have immediate questions for your business about social media you?d like answered by a panel of experts on #SparkleSOS? Send me an email or ask them on Twitter to hashtag #SparkleSOS and I?ll add them to the queue for an upcoming live show! You might even be invited to join us on the show!
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The Conference, aims to ?FOCUS on the challenges encountered by our Local Self-Government (LSG) Institutions as Panchayats, Notified Area?Committees, municipalities and Municipal Corporations; and the measures, innovations and experiences that can make these bodies an effective instrument of delivery in ?a self-sustaining manner. ?The ultimate objective is towards improving the quality of life of the citizenry?through digital democracy and e-governance. ?The interactions should promote good urban management and governance, planning and ?institutional improvements needed to help these LSG organs to serve as engines of growth.?The Conference is designed for municipal leaders and senior staff managing the resources of any LSG institution to exchange notes with the?providers of leading-edge innovations regarding the day-to-day challenges faced by our cities and towns. We expect a number of thoughtleaders from the Govt. as well as the Industry to conduct a number of informative and thought-provoking technical sessions. A copy of the?attached ?e-flyer ?gives ?some ?details. ?The ?is ?aims ?to ?promote ?good ?urban management ?and ?governance, ?planning ?and ?institutional?improvements needed to help Municipality, Corporations, Panchayats and other wings of Urban/Rural local self government to serve as engines?of growth and innovation
Key Issues:?
? Safer Cities
? Role of IT in Local-self Governance
? Slum Improvement and Upgradation
? Urban planning including town planning?
? E-Governance for effective results?
? Fire Service / Disaster Management?
? Provision of Urban Amenities and ?Facilities such as Parks, Gardens, Playgrounds
? Local ?Governance ?- ?Grassroots ?Planning ?& ?Development?Dynamics?
? Public ?Issues: ?Management ?of ?Property ?Tax, ?Sanitation, Electricity & Water etc. ?
? Participation ?of ?local ?resident's ?associations ?in ?electronic?governance
? Sharing of Best IT Practices in Local-self Governance
? Open house: Question-Answer session on all issues
? Hon'ble Smt. Sheila Dixit, Chief Minister, Delhi
? Dr. Sudhir Krishna, IAS, Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development
? Padma ?Shri Mr. D. R. ?Kaarthikeyan, ?I.P.S. ?(Retd.), ?Former ?Director, ?CBI,? Director General & Chairman, ASSOCHAM National Council on Installation,?Premises and Personnel Security
? Dr. ?Ajai ?Kumar ?Garg, ?Additional ?Director, ?Department ?of ?Electronics ?&? ? Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communications & IT, Govt. of India
? Mr. Vijay ?Dev, IAS, Pr. Secretary(Revenue)/Divisional Commissioner, DDMA
? Mr. ?Sajjan ?Singh ?Yadav, ?IAS, ?Commissioner, ?East ?Delhi ?Municipal? Corporation (EDMC)
? Mr. ?Kuldeep ?Singh ?Gangar, ?IAS, ?Special ?Secretary(Revenue), ?Disaster Management Authority (DDMA)
? Mr. A. K. Sharma, Director-Delhi Fire Services, Delhi
? Dr. S. P. Bansal, Commissioner (Planning)-II, Delhi Development Authority
? Mr. Vikas Sharma, Whole Time Director, Supreme Infrastructure India Ltd.
? Mr. Navin M Raheja, CMD, Raheja Developers Ltd.
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In which we bring you motoring news from around the Web:
? Speaking at the company?s midyear meeting last week, Takanuba Ito, president and chief executive of Honda Motor, said the automaking division would introduce vehicles in the next three years that incorporated single-motor, two-motor and three-motor hybrid drive systems. The three-motor configuration would be applied first to the Hybrid Sport version of the coming Acura RLX flagship sedan, followed by the NSX supercar. (Honda)
? To further solidify its position among passenger-car brands for leadership in hybrid technology, Toyota announced on Monday its intention to bring 21 new hybrid vehicles to market by the end of 2015. The automaker, however, did not disclose how the models would be split among markets, let alone what would constitute a ?new hybrid vehicle.? (Toyota)
? Toyota was less sanguine on the prospect for wide adoption of purely electric vehicles, according to a report from Reuters. The iQ microcar, marketed as a Scion in the United States, was to spawn a battery-powered version with an estimated range of 50 miles. Citing wan demand worldwide for E.V.?s, Toyota has scaled its production goals back for the eQ, as it would be called, committing only to roughly 100 units in Japan and the United States. (Reuters)
? Chrysler has suspended testing of pickup trucks and minivans fitted with advanced electric powertrains after some prototyped lithium-ion battery units on the pickups overheated. The trucks are part of a broader program financed in part by the Energy Department, which includes an onboard system to feed battery power into a grid in the event of a power failure. (The Detroit News)
? Stefan Jacoby, president and chief executive of Volvo Cars, has taken sick leave after a stroke last week. According to a personal statement shared by Volvo on Monday, Mr. Jacoby was ?experiencing limited movement abilities? in his right arm and leg. He added, however, that he already observed signs of improvement. Jan Gurander, the chief financial officer of Volvo Cars, has assumed Mr. Jacoby?s responsibilities during his recovery. (Volvo)
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ScienceDaily (Sep. 25, 2012) ? Like photographers assembling a portfolio of best shots, astronomers have assembled a new, improved portrait of humankind's deepest-ever view of the universe.
Called the eXtreme Deep Field, or XDF, the photo was assembled by combining 10 years of NASA Hubble Space Telescope photographs taken of a patch of sky at the center of the original Hubble Ultra Deep Field. The XDF is a small fraction of the angular diameter of the full Moon.
The Hubble Ultra Deep Field is an image of a small area of space in the constellation Fornax, created using Hubble Space Telescope data from 2003 and 2004. By collecting faint light over many hours of observation, it revealed thousands of galaxies, both nearby and very distant, making it the deepest image of the universe ever taken at that time.
The new full-color XDF image reaches much fainter galaxies, and includes very deep exposures in red light from Hubble's new infrared camera, enabling new studies of the earliest galaxies in the universe. The XDF contains about 5,500 galaxies even within its smaller field of view. The faintest galaxies are one ten-billionth the brightness of what the human eye can see.
Magnificent spiral galaxies similar in shape to our Milky Way and the neighboring Andromeda galaxy appear in this image, as do the large, fuzzy red galaxies where the formation of new stars has ceased. These red galaxies are the remnants of dramatic collisions between galaxies and are in their declining years. Peppered across the field are tiny, faint, more distant galaxies that were like the seedlings from which today's striking galaxies grew. The history of galaxies -- from soon after the first galaxies were born to the great galaxies of today, like our Milky Way -- is laid out in this one remarkable image.
Hubble pointed at a tiny patch of southern sky in repeat visits (made over the past decade) for a total of 50 days, with a total exposure time of 2 million seconds. More than 2,000 images of the same field were taken with Hubble's two premier cameras -- the Advanced Camera for Surveys and the Wide Field Camera 3, which extends Hubble's vision into near-infrared light -- and combined to make the XDF.
"The XDF is the deepest image of the sky ever obtained and reveals the faintest and most distant galaxies ever seen. XDF allows us to explore further back in time than ever before," said Garth Illingworth of the University of California at Santa Cruz, principal investigator of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2009 (HUDF09) program.
The universe is 13.7 billion years old, and the XDF reveals galaxies that span back 13.2 billion years in time. Most of the galaxies in the XDF are seen when they were young, small, and growing, often violently as they collided and merged together. The early universe was a time of dramatic birth for galaxies containing brilliant blue stars extraordinarily brighter than our Sun. The light from those past events is just arriving at Earth now, and so the XDF is a "time tunnel into the distant past." The youngest galaxy found in the XDF existed just 450 million years after the universe's birth in the big bang.
Before Hubble was launched in 1990, astronomers could barely see normal galaxies to 7 billion light-years away, about halfway across the universe. Observations with telescopes on the ground were not able to establish how galaxies formed and evolved in the early universe.
Hubble gave astronomers their first view of the actual forms and shapes of galaxies when they were young. This provided compelling, direct visual evidence that the universe is truly changing as it ages. Like watching individual frames of a motion picture, the Hubble deep surveys reveal the emergence of structure in the infant universe and the subsequent dynamic stages of galaxy evolution.
The infrared vision of NASA's planned James Webb Space Telescope (Webb telescope) will be aimed at the XDF. The Webb telescope will find even fainter galaxies that existed when the universe was just a few hundred million years old. Because of the expansion of the universe, light from the distant past is stretched into longer, infrared wavelengths. The Webb telescope's infrared vision is ideally suited to push the XDF even deeper, into a time when the first stars and galaxies formed and filled the early "dark ages" of the universe with light.
The XDF/HUDF09 team members are G. Illingworth (University of California, Santa Cruz), R. Bouwens (Leiden University), M. Carollo (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETH)), M. Franx (Leiden University), V. Gonzalez (University of California, Santa Cruz), I. Labbe (Leiden University), D. Magee and P. Oesch (University of California, Santa Cruz), M. Stiavelli (Space Telescope Science Institute), M. Trenti (University of Cambridge), and P. van Dokkum (Yale University).
The public is invited to participate in a "Meet the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field Observing Team" webinar, in which three key astronomers of the XDF observing team will describe how they assembled the landmark image and explain what it tells us about the evolving universe. Participants are invited to send in questions for the panel of experts to discuss. The webinar will be broadcast at 1:00 p.m. (EDT) on Thursday, September 27, 2012. To participate in the webinar, please visit: .
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It was good to see all the little producers of food and drink who had come to show off their produce in the city and, of course, for us to buy it.
There was some delicious black?pudding. It?s a locally made kind of sausage and is delicious. It was originally a cheap food for poor people but has gone upmarket with top chefs using it in their dishes in the city?s exclusive restaurants. I can?t eat it because I know what goes in it?..
I do eat garlic though. I love it. I?m am rarely attacked by vampires and Hallow?een holds no terrors for me. I have never seen elephant garlic though?..
It wouldn?t be an British food festival without some tea. This guy was selling delcious teas and coffees and the tea and coffee pots to make them?..
My favourite Manchester cupcake store, Hey Little Cupcake, had come across from Spinningfields to show off their cupcakes. By the time I?d going there they only had one Manchester Mint Whoopie Pie left?.
Lovely local cheeses, always welcome?..
Some great cakes and stupendous meringues brought up from Shrewsbury?..
Something I?d never heard of. A Yorkshire Punch that is good for everything that ails you?..
Olives! I love ?em?..
Beautiful pottery. Looking at it now I?m sorry I didn?t go into early Christmas present buying mode?..
The tonic water made by the company, mixed with a good gin, lots of ice and some lime makes the best G&T in the world. I am an expert?.
Some other nice drinks??
? Manchester Food & Drink Festival 4?..
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Dodgers left-hander Clayton Kershaw made it through an easy 20-pitch bullpen session on Friday afternoon without experiencing any lingering pain or discomfort in his troublesome right hip. He was not sore when he woke up Saturday morning and felt strong Sunday when he met with team doctors.
So, according to Ken Gurnick, he has been cleared to return to the Dodgers? starting rotation on Sunday night against the Reds.
Kershaw hasn?t pitched since September 11 ? nearly two full weeks ago ? because of a hip impingement.
The 24-year-old boasts a 2.70 ERA, 1.02 WHIP and 206/53 K/BB ratio in 206 2/3 innings this season.
Los Angeles is currently three games back of the Cardinals for the second National League Wild Card spot.
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Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning (18) is sacked by Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt (99) as guard Manny Ramirez (65) defends in the third quarter of an NFL football game Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Denver. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey)
Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning (18) is sacked by Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt (99) as guard Manny Ramirez (65) defends in the third quarter of an NFL football game Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Denver. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey)
Houston Texans quarterback Matt Schaub (8) throws for a touchdown against the Denver Broncos in the second quarter of an NFL football game Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Denver. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey)
DENVER (AP) ? Fall behind by 20. Lose by six. Take away those ugly interceptions and this failed comeback should have felt plenty familiar to Peyton Manning.
For the second straight game, Manning's comeback from way down came up short for the Denver Broncos.
Matt Schaub threw for four touchdowns against a confused Broncos defense Sunday to stake the Houston Texans to a big lead on the way to a 31-25 victory.
Houston reached 3-0 for the first time in the franchise's 11-season history and beat Manning for only the third time in 19 tries ? and for the first time ever in a road game.
Manning finished 25 for 51 for 330 yards with no interceptions and two touchdowns. Both scores and 100 of those yards came after the Broncos (1-2) had fallen behind by 20, the way they did in Atlanta last Monday when their rally came up short in a 27-21 loss.
In that game, the Denver defense couldn't get Manning the ball back at the end. This time, it did, but the drive started at the 14-yard line with 20 seconds left and ended with a lost fumble after Broncos receivers tried lateraling at midfield on the last play.
Manning threw three interceptions in the first quarter of the Atlanta game to match his worst quarter in 15 years in the NFL. This time, it was the Denver defense's mistakes, not his own, that put him in the hole.
Schaub took advantage of blown coverages to connect with Andre Johnson for a 60-yard score and Kevin Walter for a 52-yard touchdown en route to a 21-5 lead in the second quarter.
After the second score, starting cornerback Tracy Porter was not seen on the field again. Porter, who returned an interception for a touchdown in Denver's only win this year ? the season opener against Pittsburgh ? spent the rest of the game guarding the Gatorade table on the sideline.
Schaub's final touchdown was a 14-yard pass to tight end Owen Daniels, who was locked in one-on-one coverage against a slower defender, linebacker Von Miller. It gave the Texans a 31-11 lead ? placing the Houston defense in the prevent and Manning into desperation mode.
His best downfield throw was the 38-yard touchdown to Brandon Stokley that pulled the Broncos within 31-18 with 9:49 left in the game. His second score was a 6-yard touchdown that ricocheted into Joel Dreessen's hands with 3 minutes left.
There were no interceptions, but that's not to say Houston didn't have its way with the 36-year-old quarterback, who came into the game with 42 career touchdowns against the team he started beating when it was in its expansion season, back in 2002.
Manning's biggest headache in this one was second-year defensive end J.J. Watt, who finished with 2.5 sacks and forced a holding call in the third quarter that nullified a 36-yard gain.
Arian Foster finished with 105 yards on 25 carries for Houston. The Texans converted on their first four third downs and went ahead 14-5 when Schaub hit Foster, being covered by defensive lineman Kevin Vickerson, for a 3-yard score that Foster celebrated by blowing kisses to the crowd.
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Oakland Raiders tight end Richard Gordon runs with the ball to score a touchdown on a one yard pass during the third quarter of an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers in Oakland, Calif., Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012. In the background are Raiders center Stefen Wisniewski, left, and Steelers defensive end Brett Keisel. (AP Photo/Tony Avelar)
Oakland Raiders tight end Richard Gordon runs with the ball to score a touchdown on a one yard pass during the third quarter of an NFL football game against the Pittsburgh Steelers in Oakland, Calif., Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012. In the background are Raiders center Stefen Wisniewski, left, and Steelers defensive end Brett Keisel. (AP Photo/Tony Avelar)
Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger reacts after throwing a 22-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Mike Wallace during the third quarter of an NFL football game in Oakland, Calif., Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
Oakland Raiders wide receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey, left, catches a three-yard pass for a touchdown as Pittsburgh Steelers free safety Ryan Mundy, right, looks on during the second quarter of an NFL football game in Oakland, Calif., Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) ? Sebastian Janikowski kicked a 43-yard field goal on the last play as the Oakland Raiders scored the final 13 points after wide receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey was knocked out and hospitalized by a scary hit to beat the Pittsburgh Steelers 34-31 on Sunday.
The game turned somber early in the fourth quarter when Heyward-Bey was knocked unconscious by a helmet-to-helmet hit in the end zone by Steelers safety Ryan Mundy that was not called a penalty by the replacement officials. Heyward-Bey was taken to the hospital with a neck injury.
Carson Palmer then threw his third touchdown pass for Oakland (1-2) and Janikowski kicked two field goals to beat the Steelers (1-2) and give coach Dennis Allen his first win.
The Raiders took over with the game tied at their 25 with 1:42 remaining. Palmer got the drive going with a 24-yard pass to Brandon Myers on third-and-10 and then hit Derek Hagan on a 17-yard pass down to the Pittsburgh 26 with 27 seconds left.
Oakland then ran down the clock to set up Janikowski's winning kick that send the crowd into delirium less than an hour after silence overtook the stadium when Heyward-Bey was injured.
Mundy's helmet hit Heyward-Bey in the facemask on an incomplete pass in the end zone. Heyward-Bey's neck jerked violently and his head also crashed into the ground. Players from both teams kneeled in prayer as Heyward-Bey was attended to for about 10 minutes. He managed to raise his right hand while being taken off the field on a cart to go to the hospital with a neck injury.
Four plays later, Carson Palmer eluded pressure and found Denarius Moore on a 6-yard touchdown pass that brought Oakland within 31-28 early in the fourth quarter.
Raiders cornerback Pat Lee then forced a fumble downfield by Pittsburgh receiver Antonio Brown that Philip Wheeler recovered at the Oakland 36. Palmer then drove the Raiders down the field and they tied the game on a 32-yard field goal by Sebastian Janikowski with 6:30 to play.
With the Steelers missing Pro Bowl defensive stalwarts Troy Polamalu (calf) and James Harrison (knee), the Raiders were able to move the ball effectively most of the game.
Darren McFadden ran for 113 yards, including a 64-yard TD burst in the first quarter that surpassed his rushing total from the first two games of the season combined.
Palmer overcame an interception on the first play of the game to go 23 for 33 for 209 yards and three touchdowns, including a 3-yarder to Heyward-Bey late in the first half.
But Roethlisberger was even better, throwing two TD passes to Heath Miller in the first quarter, as well as third-quarter scores to Mike Wallace and Brown. Roethlisberger finished 36 for 49 for 384 yards as Oakland failed to generate any sustained pass rush.
But he failed to convert a third-and-9 under pressure following the two-minute warning to give Oakland the chance at the winning score.
Each team converted a turnover into a touchdown in the opening half with the Steelers taking a 17-14 lead at the break after Roethlisberger 64 yards in the final 1:54 without a timeout to set up Shaun Suisham's 33-yard field goal on the final play.
The half started well for the Steelers as well when Palmer was intercepted by Ryan Clark on the first play from scrimmage after Moore slipped on the infield dirt while making his cut.
Roethlisberger converted one fourth down before throwing his first of two 4-yard TD passes to Miller in the opening quarter. In between those scores, McFadden scored on the longest run against the Steelers since 2006.
Oakland tied the game again late in the half after Joselio Hanson recovered a fumble by Jonathan Dwyer at the Pittsburgh 30. The Raiders then drew Ziggy Hood offside with a rapid shift on fourth down and Palmer found Heyward-Bey on the next play.
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Sep 17, 2012 10:10 AM, By Jason Bovberg
How Google and Microsoft are out-innovating the smartphone stalwart.
Apple iPhone 5
Did you tune in to the Apple iPhone 5 event last week? I?m sure a lot of people did, and I?m sure a lot of people were expecting some pretty amazing stuff. Apple always delivers pretty amazing stuff. Right? There?s really no question that Apple has been the leader in the consumer electronics arena thanks to its innovation and its ?in crowd? gloss. But there are challenges coming from all corners now?in both the smartphone and tablet-computing markets?and so the time was right for something new and groundbreaking. The previous iPhone, the iPhone 4S, was more about evolutionary upgrades, so expectations were also high in that regard; after all, this was a full number update to version 5. What would the reliably forward-thinking Apple reveal?
Not much: a slightly larger screen, 4G connectivity, minor design changes, faster chip, and longer battery life.
Yes, Apple fans will gobble up the iPhone 5. Preorders sold out in minutes, and Apple Stores will see their usual long lines. But?as the Twitter conversation that took place during the event can attest?these aren?t the kinds of updates that are going to keep Apple at the front of the pack.
Samsung Galaxy
And suddenly the rest of the field is more visible.
First, you have to take a look at the Google Android universe of smartphones. After all, Android phones are outselling iPhones by a wide margin, and have been for some time. You might consider Apple?s recent courtroom victory over Samsung to be some kind of vindication for Apple, but it has also highlighted some hard truths about the evolving market position of the Cupertino powerhouse?namely about price. To many, the whole drama suggested that Apple was feeling threatened by the rising dominance of Android, which is increasingly seen as a smartphone option that offers features and functionality that are the same as?and even better than?the features of the iPhone?for a cheaper price.
For one thing, Android smartphones have had many of the iPhone 5?s ?new? features for quite some time. The new 4in. screen remains small compared with a lot of the Android competition, which offers screen sizes up to 5.5in.! The new, highly regarded Samsung Galaxy S III features a 4.8in. screen, the Motorola Droid RAZR M and the HTC One S feature a 4.3in. screen, and the RAZR MAXX ups the ante to 4.7in. The Galaxy Note cranks it up to that almost preposterous 5.5in. And HD resolution is common in the Android smartphone realm. Even with the introduction of the iPhone 5, Apple is looking a wee bit inadequate, in comparison.
In a similar vein, Apple might talk up the iPhone 5?s impressive A6 processor, but details are sparse, and the talk rings a little hollow in light of the lightning-fast dual-core processing speeds across the smartphone market. Battery life was a key part of the iPhone 5 announcement, but its claims aren?t terribly impressive compared with other alternatives. And don?t forget: You can?t remove the iPhone battery, but most of its competitors let you replace the battery?highlighting one of the key disadvantages of the insular Apple approach. The iPhone also doesn?t support wireless battery charging, which is a fabulous new innovation that finds Apple playing ?follow the leader.? It?s understandable why more and more consumers are looking for alternatives: Apple can claim fewer and fewer reasons to justify its premium price tag.
But when we?re talking about alternatives to the iPhone, it?s strange to talk only of the Android system, because the two OSs are extremely similar. They both use that familiar ?whack-a-mole? interface that just randomly throws app icons across the interface?an interface that spans all kinds of iOS devices, including the iPod and the iPad, but an interface that lacks elegance.
A smartphone OS that?s poised to make some noise in this same-old-same-old environment is Windows Phone. Microsoft was a regrettably late player in the smartphone market, and many thought it was doomed. What it really needed was a truly great, flashy phone to highlight its advantages?and it finally got that in the Nokia Lumia 900. And now with Windows Phone 8 on the horizon, Nokia is poised to nudge Windows Phone even higher into the market.
Nokia Lumia
The Lumia 920 is a truly gorgeous phone, presenting a stark contrast to the iPhone that Android phones just don?t offer. Multi-colored and sleek, and offering a 4.5in. display, the Lumia 920?s best advantage is the Windows Phone 8 OS itself, which has matured into a satisfying, uber-customizable user experience. I sometimes make a habit of wandering through the smartphone selection at my local consumer-electronics superstore, and over time I?ve seen increasing numbers of customers checking out the Windows Phone alternative. Microsoft may have severely hobbled itself by early missteps and a slow start, but its partnership with Nokia and the flashy rise of the Lumia could finally bring some success to a severely underrated platform.
And that platform is on the brink of breaking out in more ways than just the smartphone. We?re about to see the same kind of Metro-style interface design extend to Microsoft?s tablet-computing OS, Windows RT, as well as the new version of Windows?Windows 8?on the traditional and touchscreen desktop. A major benefit of the Windows Phone platform is already that it fits and syncs into home Windows environments quite effectively, offering a common platform, and that will be even more the case with Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. And all kinds of manufacturers will be partnering with Microsoft to make this synchronicity a reality.
I mentioned Apple?s ?insular? nature?it?s something that has always annoyed me about the company. Everything about the iPhone is proprietary. You?re locked in. I far prefer a marketplace that is open to innovation and competition, and now that a multitude of players have caught up to and even surpassed the iPhone in capability and design, that insular nature is coming back to haunt Apple. And in my opinion, the rest of us win.
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